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Here is a piece I sculpted for Karol Rudyk Art's new kickstarter project, souls of the dragons, which is up at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1811574548/souls-of-the-dragons?ref=cz1j85&;token=395b0cec<br />
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Fun project as I had sculpted the woman some time ago and started to add a baby dragon, we got the idea to use one of Karols other dragons in the KS, as if it was carrying her on its head. The big dragon head is sculpted by Marlon Piloni. <br />
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Kind regards<br />
Rhiana, "Cyradis"
Great sculpt! But I'll definitely have to remove that arrow if I can paint one - it can be a lil' dragon sleeping in the woman's lap instead of dying. :)Steph.DPLUS
Gold :):):)John Delamere
Dracarys!Luis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Archigrog
So great!!!