I finished this box art for YOUNG miniatures and just in time for the Mosonshow next week. A highly recommended bust with lots of nice detail and the quality of the casting is second to none, as we have come to expect from this brand. Inside the kit you will also find a card showing a high definition photo (front and back) as a painting guide. For the time being I’m having a break from busts and will be focusing more on full figures. See you all next week.
Mariano del Olmo
Gold Sam!! Dunno why my prior post doesn´t appear. Great skin and cape! Best, MarianoSam1991
ThanksVitaly Lapshin
ThanksMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
great job, goldSam1991
ThanksFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Magnifique, vote grand Or :)Sam1991
Great result! Gold for sure!Sam1991
ThanksSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Great job!!!Sam1991
ThanksEduardo Garcia Lope
Nice work, very soft transitions and real effect.Sam1991
ThanksJohn Delamere
Very nice!Sam1991
Thanks"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Good~! GoldSam1991
Great and clean paintjob! Gold for meSam1991
Thankseric wolfsPLUS
ThanksHolger SchwarzPLUS
Und hier ist Deine erste Goldmedaille für eine sehr schöne Büste ! Meine Gratulation und weiterhin viel ErfolgSam1991
ThanksAle Moro
Nice Job! Gold!Sam1991
ThanksClément Dessertenne
Gold !