Sword of Dawn was one of those projects where I was excited to begin but dreaded finishing. I repainted her two or three times of the two or so years she was in my possession. Life got in the way many times but I inevitably pushed through and found something I was happy with. I finished this bust in early 2021. <br />
My favorites: I love the skin tone I painted, the freehand work on the cloth as well as the scabbard, and love the tone of the red I achieved
Improvements: My NMM work is very symmetrical and while it holds decent light source there isn’t a lot of interest volume wise
  • Steph.DPLUS

    Vote Or l’ami :):)

  • Steph.DPLUS

    Bonjour l’ami, puis-je te demander un petit vote pour ma Test Object Perion, il me manque juste un pour obtenir une médaille, merci à toi :):)

  • eric wolfsPLUS


  • joseluiscabrera
