I wanted to keep the meaning subjective. Is this a cherished memory safely kept in someone's mind? Are we spying on a private moment by opening this box?
This has been one of the most mentally stimulating pieces I had the joy to work on, also thanks to the other artists I've discussed this idea with.
Figure produced by Scientific Models and sculpted by Mujin Park
Terrible, j'adore ton travail, bravo ..... Vote OR mon ami :)Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
oroEamon Connerty
Awesome work! Great presentation!Luis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Patricia Sancho
I really like the presentation. Usually It is something ignored or overlooked , but not your case. Gold.MarcPLUS
OROMarco Ruano Miniature Painter
Stunning,gold.Mariano del Olmo
Beautiful, gold!