"When the last red man has vanished with thos wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across praiare, will these shores and forest still be here? Will there be any spirit of my people left" - Chief Seattle's letter to US President Franklin Pierce

Free Spirit! This one is very special for me because I feel that is more meaningful than just paint on a miniature, I use the figure to express a message.

Since I first saw this figure I knew what I wanted to do, a native american running away from an american flag. Native americans were expelled from their land and forced to live in reservations sometimes far form their homes or sacred places.

You may notice that the flag is upside-down. This is totally on purpose becuse a flag turned this way means "signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property" which fits really with the commentary in this one.

Hope you like it!!