Good afternoon everyone! I want to present to your attention my recent painting work. Ivan the Terrible from Pegaso Models.
90 mm. Painted with acrylics (AK and Polycolor) and domestic PVA tempera (Master class). Wooden stand from S-73.
In a private collection.
Best wishes to everyone!
Steven ZuleskiPLUS
From the face to the coat and all, beautiful.Olga Zernina
Thank you very much!eric wolfsPLUS
Top of top !!! Great gold !Olga Zernina
Thank you very much!!!OrigalumPLUS
Нет слов, насколько кропотливая и детализированная работа!Olga Zernina
Огромное спасибо!!!Vitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоOlga Zernina
outstanding skills masterfulOlga Zernina
Thank you very much!TimPLUS
This is another level, the freehand is incredible- Gold and EditorsOlga Zernina
Thank you very much!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Das ist eine weitere Bemalung der Sonderklasse ! Berührung pur .............GoldOlga Zernina
Vielen Dank! Thank you very much!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Великолепно. Золотнулmootabor127
Превосходная работа!John Delamere
Amazingly life like!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
The whole piece is great but the work on the coat is exquisiteohtek
It' Marazakis
Τίποτα λιγότερο από χρυσό γι' αυτή την εντυπωσιακή δημιουργία!Michel
Beautiful!!!!!! GOLD!Ahmad Othman
This is incredible..I don't think I have seen a more gorgeous paint job..If there was a voting option more than gold I'd have done itMarc MussatPLUS
simply amazing ! gold and editor's !Clive Jackson
Fantastic freehand! Incredible! Gold and Editors!oef_combat_artist
Masterclass level!Sandro Zinzeri
Magnifique ! Or !Mariano del Olmo
Amazing, as always Olga. Love the freehands. Gold! Best, Mariano