I decided to tell you why: I sure do love the bright and vibrant colors but most of the first impression deptends on the background which sadly isn´t part of your miniature but just a (very fitting) background for the pics. You´ve done nearly no work on the base and besides those beautiful patterns there are barely shadows or highlights. Hope this helps :)
Thank you for that answer. It is true that people who vote Bronze rarely express their choice. Regarding the base, leaving it as simple as possible was a deliberate choice for me, because I wanted the attention to be focused only on the piece. If you take a look at my other creations, you will see that I sometimes create additional decorations for my bases when this justifies it. But thank you again for the honesty of your answer.
je trouve qu'il rend mieux en vrai, pour l'avoir vu avec toi ce matin.
pas facile à prendre en photo (trepied , reflexe afin de jouer sur la profondeur de champ )
Iván Moles "Stuka"
Great job friend!! Congrats!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Ivan :))Steph.DPLUS
Génial l'ami, hors du commun j'adore, OR ......eric wolfsPLUS
Merci Stephane :)vincenzo gambinoPLUS
golderic wolfsPLUS
Thank you VicenzoJonatan Gil - Elinhir
Great work !!eric wolfsPLUS
Thank you Jonatan. You didn't vote ?girlpainter57
stunning Eric particularly likes the images with the backdrop beautiful work golderic wolfsPLUS
Thank you Girlpainter :))Holger SchwarzPLUS
Mit dem Hintergrund Bild ist es sehr gelungen ! Gratulationeric wolfsPLUS
Danke HolgerschwarzFrancesco ThauPLUS
Golderic wolfsPLUS
Thank you FrancescoSergey Cheremshantsev
Gold!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Sergey :)Clive Jackson
Nice job! Gold!eric wolfsPLUS
Great thanks Clive :)FranNarváez
Very nice!!!eric wolfsPLUS
thank youFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Golderic wolfsPLUS
Thank you :)LupkovicsLaci
As you posted beneath my project in frech that you are not happy with my vote (if Google translator got that rightMelanie
I decided to tell you why: I sure do love the bright and vibrant colors but most of the first impression deptends on the background which sadly isn´t part of your miniature but just a (very fitting) background for the pics. You´ve done nearly no work on the base and besides those beautiful patterns there are barely shadows or highlights. Hope this helps :)eric wolfsPLUS
Thank you for that answer. It is true that people who vote Bronze rarely express their choice. Regarding the base, leaving it as simple as possible was a deliberate choice for me, because I wanted the attention to be focused only on the piece. If you take a look at my other creations, you will see that I sometimes create additional decorations for my bases when this justifies it. But thank you again for the honesty of your answer.David Batista
Gold!eric wolfsPLUS
Thank you David :)Josh Munta
Great work !!Marc MussatPLUS
je trouve qu'il rend mieux en vrai, pour l'avoir vu avec toi ce matin. pas facile à prendre en photo (trepied , reflexe afin de jouer sur la profondeur de champ )eric wolfsPLUS
Merci Marc. C'est toujours pour moi un plaisir lorsque tu evalues mes pieces en direct !Sandro Zinzeri
Trop belle cette pièce ! Bravo Eric ! GoldWojciechBober72
Jak z filmu-złotoEvgeny Golubev