The helmet is amazing, and the texture of the shirt is great. I feel it's a bit let down by some of the other parts, like the red cloak which feel unfinished in comparison. Still a very solid piece overall
appreciate for your comments, I am also confused about the cloak, I didn't want to make it too pop out, but the result turned out a little "unfinished". maybe more colors mix in the red?
Yu Z.
why do I lose saturation and contrast uploading images?Eduardo Garcia Lope
... painful but successful. Great result.Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold!Luis UgartePLUS
Nice version! Gold!Yu Z.
thank you manLada "Gwinn" Indra
The helmet is amazing, and the texture of the shirt is great. I feel it's a bit let down by some of the other parts, like the red cloak which feel unfinished in comparison. Still a very solid piece overallYu Z.
appreciate for your comments, I am also confused about the cloak, I didn't want to make it too pop out, but the result turned out a little "unfinished". maybe more colors mix in the red?Alessia Amitrano
I like it a lot. If anything, a bit more contrast on the object he’s holding. But it’s gold for me!ronald Corné
Goldvincenzo gambinoPLUS