I wanted to simulate the gesture of Merlin when he sees someone coming to his house, a farmhouse. The house is inside the mountain. The door is small, everyone has to bend to enter. The visit arouses the interest of all animals: birds of prey and rodents that live together. I searched the symmetry in shapes for stability in a scene that has stress in its meaning. Hope you like it.
I wanted to simulate the gesture of Merlin when he sees someone coming to his house, a farmhouse. The house is inside the mountain. The door is small, everyone has to bend to enter. The visit arouses the interest of all animals: birds of prey and rodents that live together. I searched the symmetry in shapes for stability in a scene that has stress in its meaning. Hope you like it.
Philip PrinzPLUS
What a wonderful atmosphere! Great job!Jim Johnston
Very nice! Well done.Winterland
Te ha quedado genialPeter Rauchbach
Pretty cool. Like the atmophere.Antonio Peña Miniatures
Thank you very much to all! I have included a link to see some photos (not many) of the wip. You can see it here: http://aguantad.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/pintura-unexpected-visit-merlin.htmlEkaitz Zárraga
Cool atmosphere! I like it! Congratulations for the "Editors choice". Enhorabuena tio, buen trabajo :-)Dirk R.
Wonderful atmosphere - great !Archontis Kitsios
Wonderful, indeed...PierreYves"LordB"Geneste
Lovely woody atmosphere, nice paint...Definitely Gold to me!!! A pure moment of Eathen Poetry!!!!Roman LappatPLUS
Love that piece!CedricBataille-Petitpedestre
Oh my gold (^_-)!!