We Hold On ‘While walking down gloomy winter streets, I looked across to a balloon vender. The novelties he sells a subtle reminder of the good times past, but also the celebrations to come. I continue my walk down a street more like the bones of a city than a heartbeat and remind myself that hope is a thing that floats.’ So we begin in a strange place, motivation to tackle another Jean style piece, in his OTHER style (I look at his works and I see 2 things primarily, aside from brilliance, oceans and walls.), and an odd quote, or not so odd given Megan’s obsession with Jurassic Park ‘Life finds a way’.
Yep. hasn't really changed much since I painted this last August... wow that's almost a year gone now. Sometimes all we can do for ourselves it hold on and hope.
thanks Flo, at risk of getting on a soapbox, I would really like to see us (the community) take a shift and do more projects that actually have some substance and meaning
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
A bit of hope is all we need now goldKyle Maitland
Yep. hasn't really changed much since I painted this last August... wow that's almost a year gone now. Sometimes all we can do for ourselves it hold on and hope.Roman LappatPLUS
Love it!Kyle Maitland
Thanks RomanFlo « FFF » Rochet
Full of poetry again! Love it!Kyle Maitland
thanks Flo, at risk of getting on a soapbox, I would really like to see us (the community) take a shift and do more projects that actually have some substance and meaningMariano del Olmo
Very creative Kyle. Best,Kyle Maitland
Thanks MarianoJakob VPLUS
Fantastic. You do Jean style very well.Kyle Maitland
If I have it is only as I stand on the shoulders of giant. I simply chase muses and what inspires me and hope I can make it work in the process.Bloodblade_miniatures
Wonderful painting !!Kyle Maitland
Glad you enjoyed it :)fabrizio1969PLUS