This piece is a homage to Jean Diorama. Jean has such an awesome style and is completely in his own world. His world is an interesting place, as with a bit of water and a single figure, he tells a stronger story than the most elaborate dioramas. He has mastered simplification, but also pairs his pieces with his own anecdotes, and that connection there is always interesting. His craftsmanship is no joke, but overall, it’s the use of space, focus, and making the elements count for greater than you’d think. I wanted to play with ‘his canvas’ style, in the sense I wanted to explore something I perceived as having great quality for expression. Losing a dimension, in a way, or at least heavily deemphasizing it. Something to maybe help me process where I was at. So here we are, waves breaking on the beach. Beauty, Chaos, Anger, Destruction, Abandonment. A towel. Glasses, broken and discarded. A book, well worn and loved, left behind. Footsteps off to… who knows. These were the items and the scene that came into my mind when attempting to follow Jean’s path.