Lovely bust by Pedro Fernandez that I just knew I had to get the moment I first saw it! Used a very different colour palette compared to what I usually do, but I'm very happy with the results!
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Martin Lavat
I love it! strong gold for me! Love your style!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thank you so much!Thorbjorn Barone
Awesome Paintjob!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thanks, Thorbjorn! Means a lot to hear that from you, love all of your work!"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Beautiful. GoldErkka MarttioPLUS
Thanks a lot!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
I love the warmth of her expression and the focus on the face with the lighting!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thank you so much, glad to hear you like it!Archigrog
Unusual paint, very nice, gold!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thanks a lot! :)eric wolfsPLUS
GoldErkka MarttioPLUS
Thank you!Roman LappatPLUS
Wonderful Paintjob on this beautiful bust! Gold and Editor's choice from my side!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thank you so much once again, Roman! Really happy to hear you like it!Angel C Villalba "KaspareK"
Gold!!!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thank you!Atila KawautiPLUS
Wow!! Nice work!Erkka MarttioPLUS
Thanks!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
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