So I like painting eyes. A lot. And so I sculpted a model solely for this. These were then cast and I started having a lot of fun with them. The wooden plinths are made for wall mounting and I will get them mounted when I have more.
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i am neither a sculptor or a very good painter on these, that for most parts were quick one hour fun projects. So however you votes is welcome - I have not idea how to rate projects like these :) BUT! i would love to hear your thoughts - what would you do? :)
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if anyone feels like playing, these are available at
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Well, for 1-hour project this is something unreal. Also, you his away all sculpting flaws (that are not too much to concern, tho) by that magnificient painting. My hat off.
    • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

      *hid away
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Haha thanks I guess :) I am sculptor as well, and yes it is not perfect. Maybe better next time! The first version took way longer though, but I like the other ones much better. Took between 1-3 hours yes :)
  • Alfonso Ciattini

    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much again! :)
  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    The medical worker is amazing. The others are iconic and well done, but less special. Darth Maul is great, but we know who he is, y'know? The medical worker seems to have a scene reflected on his face, and his expression shifted by the paint job.
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much, Rhiana! I really like him too. Funnily enough, he was meant to be an homage to doctors working with covid, but during painting he switched roles and became the manic surgeon from Bioshock. Trust me, you don’t want to know him. I actually like all the others too, and it was really fun doing. I have some really playful ideas, but also some banal ones. But more importantly; what will YOU do?
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Oh and my favourite is the joker. I actually showed it to Kyle, and he said:, How is this the joker? And I said: well how the hell is it not! :) So not all sees the characters immediately. :)
    • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

      I'm imagining a person telling campfire stories for mine, when it arrives! So from-below warm illumination, perhaps a little on the creepy side if they are ghost-stories. I might need to get a dude friend to take a reference photo since I haven't done much from-below lighting schemes before! But for now CanadaPost is SO slow. Locally deliveries have even stopped for a few days due to a wee bit of snow and ice. I can see the manic attitude in your surgeon one. He could have either been desperate and horrified... or in the midst of doing something horrible!
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Perfect, thanks for sharing. Do enjoy that lovely vision once you receive your copy!
  • David_cualquiera

    Wow this is very original, I myself also love to paint eyes so like very much this idea!! Gold
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much David! And thanks for your support. Look forward to see what you will do with it :)
  • Romain Schoemaeker « Gr0gus »

    Beautiful work Jakob. I goes a long way to show how important eyes are, and how little of a area can give so much of context, atmosphere and storytelling in the hand of a skilled artist. my favorite is definitely the Joker, there so much depth and sorry in these eyes. I like how you always keep pushing the boundaries of miniature painting, exoerimenting and just following your instinct ... very inspirational. Thanks, Romain.
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Hey mate. Thanks so much for your fantastic comment. I read it a few days ago and had to take some time to think. In all honesty, I feel like I have, throughout the years, gathered the tools and confidence to simply follow what I find interesting. Nordlys is also that for me, and returning to it I try not to think about what people like (ie what sells), but what I am passionate about. And so none of this created in regards to breaking any boundaries, pushing borders or challenging the hobby, but simply trusting myself in my choices. This was solely created for myself - and I loooove seeing people appreciate. That makes me so happy. And I hope people will feel like painting just for fun. Thank you so much again. Best wishes!
  • Militarist_Studio

    Original and cool! Gold!!!
  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wow, fantastic collection!
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks mate! Big hug. See you soon I hope
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    whaou :! awsome ! eye catching post ! :)
  • girlpainter57

    outstanding ability is one of many weak points for myself so appreciate your skill
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Nonsense. You are an awesome painter. Thanks man.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is outstanding and beautiful. Many great things will come from it. Like yours. I like concepts that make people creative. This is one of this rare ones. Gold and Editor from me :)
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much Roman! I absolutely hope so. It will be used for a course in Croatia soon and nothing makes me prouder! Thank you do much again!
  • Luca Oldani

    very original and well done congratulations Gold !
  • Jose Miguel Carrillo

    Great Idea. GOLD of course. Eyes are awesome
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you Jose! Glad you like it :)
  • Emanuele "Green" Terzoni

    Incredible work !
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks so much! :)
  • Alessandro Natale

    Brilliant, gold!
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you so much!
  • DavidColwellPLUS

    I really like this idea.
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thanks mate. Happy to hear
  • Entrevon

    Super idée et beau travail : bravo !
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Wow Jacob excellent work- gold gold gold
  • Pierre Balmette

    Really awesome job, the results are really great. Love the joker. Gold!
    • Jakob VPLUS

      Thank you. - And happy you like joker too :)
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    This is beyond outstanding!!! Platinum !!!
  • Artem Romanov

    For just one hour it's really awesome! Gold!