A new venture for me in including narrative in busts. I tried to work on the facial expression and including as much details as possible in the face, and NMM again of course.<br />
I hope you'll enjoy it !
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Many thanks to David Arroba and the Miniature Art Academy on this project as well as LXP members for the support!
Michal Zido - Dr. Painting Minies
Stunning work, especially on that NMM!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Magnifique !! Et le visage est terrible ... OrOrigalumPLUS
Astonishing work! Gold!Flo « FFF » Rochet
Gold gold gold !!!TimPLUS
StunningFrancois "Frado" Daugny
Super idea of narrative, and great technic to support it (facial expression, NMM, leather, weathering, etc.) Gold!!David Lefebvre - @Minimorph_Sculpts
Mon interprétation préférée de ce buste jusque là. Magnifique ! Hâte de voir tes futurs projets (un en particulier ;-) )guardito.matt
Amazing work! Great effect! Gold!Seyni-NDIAYEPLUS
Awe inspiring piece mate ! My favorite from you congrat !!Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
Amazing job Thibo