This is another one of my article projects, as once published in an Issue of "Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller". This one was in one of the special issues, related to Gerry Anderson's various TV shows. (Issue 2 of 21st Century Modeller.)
The entire article was scanned in, by the author; and uploaded, for other hobbyists to have access to -- with the publisher's permission. (But note that I'm not trying to release the article to the public domain; just sharing it.)
See the WIP / SBS link, to go to where the article's individual pages scans are stored. I believe I even uploaded my hand-drawn "working drawings," based on the as-built replica. (I've never seen the original studio model, in person.)
Martin Collier
love my vwWard Shrake
Yeah, they're pretty cool, aren't they! Even the ones that don't have big space-going engines! I used to know (slightly: we were both in the same early 1980s computer club) Bill Clarkson, whom VW drag racers may still fondly look up to, for his "Iguana" VW drag racing vehicle.There's a cool interview with Bill, and some shots of his vehicle (which could give mine a serious run for its money, I'm sure!) over here ... gambinoPLUS
nice .. :) gold :)Ward Shrake