EDIT: As of 2021-11-21 the complete original article has been scanned in (with the publisher's permission) and was stored in the "albums" section of a Facebook Group, for sci-fi and fantasy scratch-builders and kit-bashers. See the WIP or Step-By-Step link, on this page, to see the whole article as it was published a decade or so ago, in SF&FM;'s first "Steampunk Modeller" volume. There are also scans of three covers for another publication, where, a few years after this article came out, I re-visited the subject, but with much more of a historical theme, in Seaways' Ships In Scale magazine.
EDIT: As of 2021-11-21 the complete original article has been scanned in (with the publisher's permission) and was stored in the "albums" section of a Facebook Group, for sci-fi and fantasy scratch-builders and kit-bashers. See the WIP or Step-By-Step link, on this page, to see the whole article as it was published a decade or so ago, in SF&FM;'s first "Steampunk Modeller" volume. There are also scans of three covers for another publication, where, a few years after this article came out, I re-visited the subject, but with much more of a historical theme, in Seaways' Ships In Scale magazine.
Martin Collier
love the work thats gone in too thisWard Shrake
Thanks much! I haven't yet scanned in the article for this one, that I had done for the first "Steampunk Modeller" issue (by "Sci-Fi & Fantasy Modeller") but it should be up next ...vincenzo gambinoPLUS
nice .. :) gold :)Ward Shrake