This is my last project : Rey Skywalker, 3FD print from VXlabs Art, scale 80 mm
All Acrylic painted
  • Philippe

    Très belle mise en scène Eric!
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Bran

    Très sympa avec la photo en arrière plan, bravo !!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Bruno. J'avais cette idee de fond dès le depart. Je trouvais que la piece seule manquait de mise en situation.
  • EntrevonPLUS

    Une très jolie pièce Eric, toujours ces belles tonalités dans les clairs. Et un sujet derrière lequel je ne pensais pas te trouver ... Gold !
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Bernard. En effet, l'impression 3D me permet d'élargir mon champ de sujets à traiter.
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    splendide la mise en situation !
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Marc ! La pièce mériterait sans doute de meilleures prises de vue, car je la pense sincèrement plus jolie à regarder en réel qu'avec ces photos qui lavent un peu les tonalités et les contrastes
  • akitaka-misenai

    This is my favorite motif Good!
  • girlpainter57

    love it gold
  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Nice work! Gold.
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Great thanks for your voter and your comment. Unfortunately, some people here always vote bronze without justification.. Happy you like my work !
  • Luis UgartePLUS

    Nice scene! Gold!
  • Francesco ThauPLUS

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    Gold,for me one of your best picture
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Hello Fabrizio. I am very happy with your comment. Great thanks, that's very appreciated
  • Fabien DOUGNIER

    Comme on dit " Good job" !
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Fabien. J'étais assez content de mon travail, mais j'ai été un peu refroidi par l'accueil fait de cette pièce sur le site. Ces quelques derniers votes me réconfortent.
  • JakeyZH

    Hello Eric, in my opinion you did a very good job with precision and the piece is very original. I voted a bronze not because I don't like your work, but for these reasons: - It can be easily verified some imperfections on the piece due to the 3D print, like those tiny dots on the throne and on the clothes, you should clean them well before starting the painting works, a sand paper can do its work very well. - The hairs, skintons and the helmet are too flat, the volumes are almost missing. As a 80mm scale miniature you cannot expect that the miniature do the shadows or highlights by itself. It's always necessary to add more darker or lighter colors to intensify the shadows and highlights. You can even add more blue, turquoise or violet tones to the miniature as you placed it in a galaxy environment, this will definitely helps to get a more interesting results.
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Thank you very much for your answer. I understand your reasons but i'm just disapointed because a bronze vote make the not go down very quickly. I realy think that your opinion is justified, and probabely because of the bad quality of the photos. Perhaps the helmet is to flat, but i realy think that the skinyons
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Thank you very much for your answer. I understand your reasons but i'm just disapointed because a bronze vote make the not go down very quickly. I realy think that your opinion is justified, and probabely because of the bad quality of the photos. Perhaps the helmet is to flat, but i realy think that the skintons are well painted when i look the figure. But i think you are realy a great painter, and i shall try to progress with youre comment, so many thanks for it.
  • Mateu_Reb

    Buen trabajo!
  • Evgeny Golubev

    Bon travail Eric, or!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Thank you very much, Evgeny, and many thanks for supports
  • Pierre Balmette

    Composition très sympa, dommage que la photo soit légèrement surexposée. Le fond apporte vraiment un plus en termes de contraste avec la pièce. Or, bravo!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Photo encore une fois faite avec les moyens du bord ! Merci pour ton vote !
  • WojciechBober72

  • Clive Jackson

    Excellent character study! Gold!
  • Laurent

    Comme le dise beaucoup la mise en scène est très bien faite et j'aime personnellement beaucoup l'harmonie des tons et ta peinture des chairs. Or
  • Laurent

    Comme le dise beaucoup la mise en scène est très bien faite et j'aime personnellement beaucoup l'harmonie des tons et ta peinture des chairs. Or
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Merci Laurent. Encore quelques projets à mettre en présentation et tu pourras voter de façon effective. En attendant, ton Or me fait bien plaisir ... et j'ai vu que tu as pu retourner tes photos dans le bon sens !
  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    oro :)
  • Eugene Dravskikh

    Very nice one!
  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Very convenient ! Really Amazing !!!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Thank you Theodoros. Happy you like it !
  • ohtek

    Real!! Gold!
  • Poliakov_Andrii

    Super!!!!! GOLD!!!!
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    I also printed this 3-D figure, it sounds so simple, but the difficulty, as always, is in the details. You made a clean print and think your painting is very good. Indirect lighting is a good idea because it gives the work more depth, as does the background image. Gold!
    • eric wolfsPLUS

      Great thanks Pit ! Your comments are very appreciated.