here is my Templar Sargent (Pegaso) that i never published here, this one has been all a journey to paint some 4 years ago and I did learned a lot with him. For the water i worte a SBS over on Planet Figure (see link to read it)
i named this piece "In Ruinam Acram Est" , all painted in S75 Acrylics.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
thank you IvanPierre Balmette
Une bien belle version bravo, or!FRANCK EDET
merci beaucoup Pierre :)Philippe
Très belle peinture. Or!FRANCK EDET
merci beaucoup Philippe !Marc MussatPLUS
belle réalisation ! or !FRANCK EDET
merci beaucoup Marc !vincenzo gambinoPLUS
thank you Vincenzo