I wanted to share with you my last project.
Its the Seven Dwarfs sculpted by Lucas Pina.
I made some changes to transform them in to the Seven Deadly Sins in a reward poster.
Thanks to Miniatureartacademy and special one to Alfonso Giraldes to encorage me every day. Without them it couldn't have been posible.
Hope you like it.
Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
Gold and favorited. Absolutely fantastic work Fran, definitely my favorite version of this bust to date.Francisco López Payá
Thanksss so much Bro!!!!Luceq
Wonderfull!!Francisco López Payá
Thanks so muchLuis Sánchez T
Buenísimo!!Francisco López Payá
Muchisimas graciasDavid Batista
Gold!Francisco López Payá
Muchisimas gracias!!!Seyni-NDIAYEPLUS
Awesome idea and réalisation ! Really giving another dimension to the pièce ! Lovely and goldFrancisco López Payá
Thanks so much mate!!Dani Darkmetal
Magnífica obra de arte Fran. Orako en toda reglaFrancisco López Payá
Muchisimas gracuas Dani!!!!Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Great idea, even better execution. Fantastic.Francisco López Payá
Thanks so much mate!!!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Great idea and realisation. Gold!Francisco López Payá
Thanks so muchFRANCK EDET
absolutely fantastic ! best version of this piece to date ! GoldFrancisco López Payá
Thanksss so much!!!! :)Enric "Fenrik studio"
Buen trabajo Fran, a mi me encanta ver como hay obras que se plantean totalmente diferente a lo tipico. Genial ejecucion, un oro como los que colgaban de MA Barracus ;)Francisco López Payá
Ejjeejj. Muchisimas gracias compañero!!! La verdad es que tenia ganas de pintar algo asi jejejeSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Cool!Francisco López Payá
Thankss soo much Master!!!!Bran
Wonderful !!Francisco López Payá
Thankss so much!!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
You have created somthing so spirited and so marvelous.on behalf on many I’ll say this is a brilliant piece. Everything in this is extremely well done. Grim the painting to your creative license make this a standout piece for the agr.eric wolfsPLUS
Great idea, and great job! Congrats. GoldAlejandro Prieto
Ideaza y ejecución, me gustó mucho cuando lo vi por las redes, mis diesesThorbjorn Barone
Damn, i love this ideaMartin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Marvellous! I love the originality of this piece."SCV Park" Yeong Min
Great~! Very Good~!!Michael Fischer
Fantastic work .Peter (Chilwd)
awesome piece!Andrés Harambour
Impresionante trabajo! Tremenda originalidad. Felicidades, oro absoluto!Iván Moles "Stuka"
Trabajazo del weno compi!!! enhorabuena!