And for what was one the best and most unexpected Christmas presents I have to thank Chris Clayton. A general lack of motivation and wrist issues meant I had hardly done any painting on 2020 so in March I decided it would be a great choice to enter the Brush Beast miniature painting competition. By early May I realised I needed to start painting the figure before I ran out of time.
I opted for a relatively simple red, white and black colour scheme with true metallics; thought I would give the Vallejo metal range a try. And a search of the internet provided my with many an example of cat to choose from, settling on a Maine Coon as inspiration.
I never thought I'd have the joy of painting a leather baguette holder or researching the colouration of baguettes to get the light and dark tones correct around the cuts and the fur ended up more brown than grey but it has been a joy to paint and I hope you like it.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gold, meow!Conrad Mynett
ThanksJens Riber Poulsen
Gj Conrad!Conrad Mynett
TaLuis Sánchez T
Great painting! The baguette looks Awesome!! GoldConrad Mynett
Thanks, was one of the more amusing google searches I've done for painting research. Got to get the toasty bits fight :)Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Excellent work mate, it's awesome!Conrad Mynett
Thanks mateMartinSporka
Gold!Conrad Mynett
TaRUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
wow Conrad...I don't like anything...but I like all in this crazy figure! GOLD meowConrad Mynett
Here's hoping I get the opportunity to show you in person this yearJakob VPLUS
That is crazy good once again mate! WowConrad Mynett
Thanks mate. Given it's one of only rwo pieces I'd painted in over a year, I was rather pleased it came out so well.Steve Garcia
Sweet work Conrad. The lighting and textures are on point. Congrats! GoldConrad Mynett
Thanks so muchHerman aka Glitterwolf
Gold!Conrad Mynett
ThanksMax RichieroPLUS
Wonderful painting work. The baguette is real!Conrad Mynett
The secret is in the baking ;)John Delamere
(=^;^=) Pawsome!!!Conrad Mynett
(=^;^=) Ta.Eduardo Garcia Lope