Here its my last work. Baby kappa. After some months without painting finally I finished a new work and its so far the one I most proud for and the onw who have more from me in all this years. I hope you like it.
This bust its a personal project for my own collection and IS NOT FOR SALE.
Love it!!!! Gold gold gold goldIvan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you my friend!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
I love the realistic color variations you got on the face :)Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Alfonso Ciattini
Awesome!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!girlpainter57
beautifully paintedIvan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Fabio Ricci
beautiful face!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Luis Sánchez T
Espectacular!!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
gracias!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wonderful!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
lot of thanks my friend!Archigrog
Love it! Gold!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Philippe
Gold!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!eric wolfsPLUS
Gold !Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Alex ✍
Good work Ivan ❤️Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
thank you!Luis UgartePLUS
Excelente! Me gusta mucho los tejidos! Gold!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
gracias!Jorge Budagosky
¡Espectacular! La combinación de colores me encanta. Enhorabuena Ivan. GoldIvan Hortal A.PLUS
Assolutamente Fantastico ...Oro!!!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS