I would have liked to see a bit more contrast in or spotlighting around the figure to bring it out maybe but overall a very nice composition and the greenery and rain is just brilliant
Yes, the figure was poorly chosen. Should have at least change the color palette on him. This was mostly a rain ambient exercise though, but should have been smarter with the mini.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Wow! Gold for the rain effect alone, not even counting that great paintingArturo ArellanoPLUS
Thank you!Luis Sánchez T
The rain efect is really great!!! Wonderfull work!! GoldArturo ArellanoPLUS
Thank you.Josh_Underhill
I would have liked to see a bit more contrast in or spotlighting around the figure to bring it out maybe but overall a very nice composition and the greenery and rain is just brilliantArturo ArellanoPLUS
Yes, the figure was poorly chosen. Should have at least change the color palette on him. This was mostly a rain ambient exercise though, but should have been smarter with the mini.Rhiana, "Cyradis"
Those rain drops are really neato!Arturo ArellanoPLUS
Thank you!Iván Moles "Stuka"
Un trabajazo compi, más que conseguido el efecto deseado, muy bueno!! EnhorabuenaArturo ArellanoPLUS
Muchas gracias tío, me alegro de que te guste.