Hello. I haven't uploaded photos here for a while so here you have one of my last painted miniatures. This is my traditional approach to painting but still, I hope you will like this one. It's a commission for a collector. <br />
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Cheers,<br />
scott a shalter
Just beautiful, GoldLuceq
GoldVitaly Lapshin
ЗолотоMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
beautifully paintedRoberto Del Cima
Amazing paint job!!!Marc MussatPLUS
love your "traditional" painting !Fabien DOUGNIER
Gold ! Great workJakob VPLUS
Iiiiincredible!! Drool"SCV Park" Yeong Min
beautiful~! Gold~!eric wolfsPLUS
Wow ! golderic wolfsPLUS
Wow ! goldRoberto Sirchia
amazing model, mate! :DPoliakov_Andrii
GoldSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Top!!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wow, fantastic work!Aleksander Kursov
Sweety! Gold!