This little bust created by Carlo Borella hit really close to my heart and I knew that I have to paint it :) When I 1st saw her I got a princess from Neverending Story vibes, so my idea for the interpretation was set un straight away. My second inspiration were illustrations of gods from Magic the Gathering - I was looking for a project fitting for the starry shadows for a while now and this bust was just perfect. Painting this gave me a lot of joy and hopefully I was able to transfer some feelings into the end result.
If you're interested in this bust, check out Carlo's Miniatures Kickstarter:
He has some really good stuff :D
Hope you like her :)
You can find me here:
"SCV Park" Yeong Min
Very Good~! Gold~!Natalia Oracz
Thank you :)RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Gold and editor to me!Natalia Oracz
Thank you very much, Fabrizio :)Luis Sánchez T
Beautiful painting!!!goldStephanPLUS
captured very good moodPierre Balmette
Absolutely gorgeous, stunning expression of sadness. Gold isnt enough!ZABAART
Golden piece!Vincenzo "Miniature's Den" Celeste
Great interpretation of a complicated sculp! GoldFabien DOUGNIER
Gold ! Wonderful work, very poeticRhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
I love how you paint ideas rather than models. Your work is very special.Matt DiPietro
Sublime, Editor from me!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
This is gold without doubtsMichаil_Malinin
Perfectly! goldRoberto Del Cima
A painting with a lot of emotions, it's gorgeous, well done !!Archigrog
Truly noce, gold!Luis UgartePLUS
Great job! Gold!Philippe
Great job! Gold!Seyni-NDIAYEPLUS
Really beautifull and inspiring as usual ! full of poetry <3TimPLUS
This is absolutely stunning!! Gold and Favouriteseric wolfsPLUS
very beautiful ! goldscott a shalter
Beautifully sad, goldJakob VPLUS
Love it! Great model and beautiful paint.Steve Garcia
Those eyes! GoldFlo « FFF » Rochet
Eyes, tears, fabric, lights : gold !