Abaddon the Despoiler
this is my latest painting project. Abaddon the Despoiler. Model is latest reincarnation of WH40k leader of traitor chaos legions. As he is champion of all 4 chaos gods I implemented their colors to model. Green hue of black armor is because Nurgle, red OSL is in favor of rage of Khorne, cloak and purple OSL is in colors and style of Slaanesh, blue tubing and sword is in colors of Tzeentch. Because there is lots of painted Abaddons over the internet I wanted mine to be different to others so I changed his posture by moving his point of mass more to the front and by rotation of his claw. It gives him more dynamic pose without any cutting and sculpting. The result of changes angles was the trophy rack was too high on my taste so I shortened it a little. Empty space on the top of his armor is filled by more trophies, because again the space was too empty and more visible now. It was long journey and I learned a lot. I hope you like the result. Cheers!
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
wow. that's gold.Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thank you!WojciechBober72
ZłotoTomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thanks!Jakob VPLUS
Beautiful! Fantastic style. Very harmoniousTomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thank you very much!Seyni-NDIAYEPLUS
Beautifull ! Gold !Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
Gold!Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
Thanks! ;)Bran
Very nice transformation. Your version is magnificent, well done !!Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
Amazing! GoldTomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thank you!Alex ✍
Beautiful work ❤️Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
Thank you!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Impressive. So many details, weathering, sculpture and OSL. I really love it. Gold!!Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thank you very much!Romain Schoemaeker « Gr0gus »
Excellent. I’m a fan and adept of cold light scheme, and the cold light/warm shadow on the cape is fantastic. Saving it for reference, and gold obviously !Tomáš "Persifal" Pekař
thank you!Alfonso Ciattini
Stunning!Davide De Angelis (CtrlAltCancMinis)
Goldvincenzo gambinoPLUS
.. oro :)Ladislav MajerPLUS
Zlatooo :)