Kerrigan is the March model of Edythe Cross Patreon, if you join up now, you can get her for 15 USD. If you don't want to support her Patreon, Kerrigan will be released later on CGTrader/Gumroad for a higher price.
John Delamere
Awesome! Where can I buy this file?Claudia Kirchner (Hyony)
Kerrigan is the March model of Edythe Cross Patreon, if you join up now, you can get her for 15 USD. If you don't want to support her Patreon, Kerrigan will be released later on CGTrader/Gumroad for a higher price. Lapshin
GoldMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Sober and efficient, well done Claudia !!WojciechBober72
Super-ZłotoPierre Balmette
I like it, nice color choices. Gold!eric wolfsPLUS
goldMiguel Sousa
lovely job!Francois "Frado" Daugny
the painting is great and the face is particularly impressive. Gold!!