A beautiful figure by Pegaso the "Argyraspides" 90mm. The gold and silver parts were painted with printers inks and the rest with acrylics. Hope you like it
Great version, love the facial expression and black/red helmet. Maybe the metals lack a bit of highlights, especially the shield. Gold anyway! I have a version of this in my gallery if you'd like to drop an eye.
Francesco ThauPLUS
Great job!David Batista
Gold! I have the same in my profile, maybe you want to see it.Andrey Miroshnichenko
Gold!Stavros Zouliatis
Awesome work, gold!!!Phantom Duck
thank you all guys for your comments and rating theoEvgeny Golubev
Good work, . Gold!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Great painting ! GoldPhantom Duck
thank you Evgeny να σαι καλά ΘόδωρεPierre Balmette
Great version, love the facial expression and black/red helmet. Maybe the metals lack a bit of highlights, especially the shield. Gold anyway! I have a version of this in my gallery if you'd like to drop an eye.Poliakov_Andrii
GOLDHolger SchwarzPLUS
Sehr schöne Arbeit ! Gold von mirThanos_Zahos
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