Hey guys :) Here's my first post-apocalyptic bust, a box art painted for Ignis Art. Usually postapo male characters are not my cup of tea, but I went for creating an interesting character and I think that I managed to write an eye catching story with my painting. It was a great opportunity to work with gritty textures, so I didn't go for perfect blending. Hope you like him!
You can find me here:
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gold!Natalia Oracz
Thank you :)WojciechBober72
ZłotoNatalia Oracz
Dzięki :)David Batista
Gold!Natalia Oracz
Thank you! :Djparkdr
goldNatalia Oracz
Thank youDavid_cualquiera
Wow, Gold!Natalia Oracz
Thank you :)Francois "Frado" Daugny
Very nice leather effect!! Gold!!Natalia Oracz
Thank you. I reallyw anted to use this opportunity to paint more textures, I'm very glad that it turned out ok :)Bran
Really excellent !! Congrats Natalia !!Natalia Oracz
Thank you!Ste66