This is my second version of this fantastic miniature. I have painted this new one with a warmer color scheme but same style. Its the first time i paint the same miniature twice but it was a very good exercise for me, there may be a third time ... :O
I hope you like it.
Miniature sculpted by Isidro Moñux and based on the artwork of Guillermo Gonzalez.
I love this second version as well as the first cold one. the tones on the base really enrich the chromatic composition, giving a realistic touch,Gold medal!
Tremendo trabajazo Víctor, brutal tiene una suavidad unas transiciones maravillosas, tienes una técnica digna de elogio, me flipa. Mi más sincera enhorabuena!!
great, like the light placement, good skin, leather an NMM goldgirlpainter57
El metal cepillado te quedas de coña, me he quedado como tonto mirándolo ^_^Victor Vera
Muchas gracias Jesús, la verdad que me dió por probarlo y queda bastante guay . Un saludo !Alfonso Ciattini
Mate, she’s beautiful! The leather, the metal, the shield, the hair! I love Everything about her- Gold and added to the favourites listVictor Vera
wow ! Thanks so much !WojciechBober72
I love this second version as well as the first cold one. the tones on the base really enrich the chromatic composition, giving a realistic touch,Gold medal!Joseph Antony Fernándes
Outstanding work!!!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold!Jero Miniatures
Que fino eres tío! Me encanta.Iván Moles "Stuka"
Tremendo trabajazo Víctor, brutal tiene una suavidad unas transiciones maravillosas, tienes una técnica digna de elogio, me flipa. Mi más sincera enhorabuena!!Jaime Chocano
Qué pasada! Me gusta mucho todo, pero esos nmm en el interior del escudo me han roto los esquemas por completo O.OXavierator
gold, of courseSteve Garcia
Beautiful, gold and congrats.Francois "Frado" Daugny
Impressive painting!! Gold!!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
que bonito pintas... es una pasada. me encantaria tenerla en mi vitrina. ole!Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
oro, editors y favAlex ✍
Beautiful work and an improvement to the last version ❤️Li Zhen Nan
GoldRicardo Pisa
Awesome!!!!!Max RichieroPLUS