After the construction grew, I then needed to try and balance the whole thing (the mini was overshadowed by the base)...which forced me to pay attention to composition on a larger scale than Im used to. Fun exercise, TONS of learning and a great topic to bounce off some friends and fellow artists.
Palette wise, I wanted to push different color temperatures to improve my understanding of colors (which I feel is a personal weakness). Im quite happy with many of the transitions as you rotate the figure, especially paired with the NMM, with the front being predominantly warm and the back cold.
Let me know what you think. Any tips, comments, critiques are always helpful in trying to improve and very much valued :)
GoldRhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Great scene. The color game is very effective. I love the ice effect!Steve Garcia
Thanks!Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS
Fantastic!Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
thanks for listening to my indecisiveness man :) More than appreciate the art talk to keep me motivated and on the right track.Alfonso Ciattini
Stunning!!Steve Garcia
Thank you!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Steve your up yourself every time!!! Your hands have more talent than anyone . Unsurpassed!!! GoldSteve Garcia
Thanks John. High praise indeed. Xxooxosk_drille
great painting goldSteve Garcia
Thank you!WojciechBober72
Gold!Steve Garcia
Thank you!Marius "Der Stone "Stein
So cool!Steve Garcia
Thank you!Victor Vera
great work !Steve Garcia
Thanks!Eamon Connerty
Wow! Gold!Steve Garcia
Thanks!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold!Steve Garcia
Thanks man! Big fan of your work.TimPLUS
I’m not familiar with any of the Privateer Press minis and I have no idea why really. This little guy is loads of fun and packed with detail, detail you have brought to life beautifully! Gold all the waySteve Garcia
Thanks Tim! In hindsight all those extra details and layers were more than intended when I started but glad I did :)milesli1981
goldSteve Garcia
Thanks you!Riccardo "RA" AgostiniPLUS
It's an incredible work Steve! I hope to see it in person some day!Steve Garcia
Thanks Riccardo, means a lot brother. Yes (fingers crossed) hopefully soon :)Mateusz Banaszkiewicz
Very complex project, well done! I love the interaction between the figure & dead warjack on the baseSteve Garcia
Thank you! I’m glad that came across, I had my doubtsBen "skodone"
love this so much, it really reminds me of old wow artwork from joe madureira and chris metzen!Steve Garcia
Thank you! That made my week. I’m a huge MAD fan (as everyone should be lol). This line in privateer presses has a lot of similarly, just right, exaggerated sculpts. ...this was really cool to read :) thanks again.Perfect Tommy
Magnificent good sir!Steve Garcia
Thanks Andrew!Will “Sik Willy” Hahn
impeccable work as always brotherSteve Garcia
Thanks Will. Can’t wait to see your next piece ;)Anthony Wang
Steve! So good! I love the cold and warm redsSteve Garcia
Thanks Anthony! Where’s that Tyrion?Francois "Frado" Daugny
Great harmony of colors and great atmosphere!! Gold!!