Hi! I started the year having a lot of fun with projects like this, i chose this representation but i had a lot of ideas in my mind about how to do the optic camo, and i think this is the best that can happen in this hobby, what idea did pop in your head?
Eduardo Garcia Lope
Absolutamente brillante la idea de hacer una copia en material transparente es la idónea, sin duda.WojciechBober72
GoldMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
no less that gold, and i can't give more hereDanimontero
Además de un maestro de la pintura, tienes ideas totalmente nuevas. Increíble.Martin Lavat
Outstanding, as always!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Nice ..... GOLD!Bran
Extraordinary !!Thorbjorn Barone
Its so super cool! Did you print it translucent? It is really cool!TimPLUS
Yeah not to badihiaripala82
GoldClive Jackson
Ace! Gold!Alex ✍
Very cool ❤️ Does it work when you look from below?Daniele Petrucci .:: Zajon ::.
Wow.. gold!Toolove
GoldSteve Jourdain
Or !!!!!MartinSporka
Great idea and execution! Gold!Jaime Chocano
Muy chulo el efecto. La luz que refleja el camuflaje óptico en la parte baja del pecho me ha volado la cabeza!Eduardo Fernandez
Uno d elos trabajos mas originales que he visto ultimamente!! OroPeter "Baphomet" TothPLUS
Beautiful idea :)HengZhi.Guo
oh my lady~~It's amazing,goldFrancois "Frado" Daugny
Totally wonderful... idea and realization!! GOLD!!jparkdr