Garmr based on the artwork of Paul Bonner’s Out of the Forest. Produced by Journeyman Miniatures, sculpted by Joaquin Palacios, cast by Ciprian Negut. I had a lot of fun painting this guy and I wanted to paint him as accurately as I could to the Artwork (as it was Paul’s artwork which I fell in love with in the first place) He presented a number of challenges for me, painting an interesting nuanced grey fur, painting hair over a large area and transposing the 2D art onto a 3D figure. I’m pretty happy with the result.
Exquisite painting - goldTimPLUS
Thanks mate, very much appreciatedPhoenix Miniature Art
Thanks Liam xxxxMally Anderson
An awesome version man. Thoroughly excellent execution throughout.TimPLUS
Cheers Mally and thank you for all the feedback through the painting xgirlpainter57
Thanks youAlfonso Ciattini
Thanks AlfonsoMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Thanks mate, xxNik Ableev
Why thanks youBernd Meißner
great color choice, goldTimPLUS
Thanks Bernd, I tried to follow Paul’s painting as accurately as I could in regards to colour choices so I guess credit goes to himXavierator
Legend, thank youJohn Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
If it were up to me it’s be editors choice- gold wonderful attention to detail .TimPLUS
Thanks BAM, I always appreciate your support and encouragement xxxAlex ✍
Great work Tim ❤️TimPLUS
Thanks Alex much appreciatedRobert Karlsson
Uper cool mate, but I dont like you wearing glasses =)TimPLUS
What really! I think they make me look sexy AND intelgentJaime Chocano
I love the fur on this one. You should upload here one of the close-up pics you have on Instagram ;)TimPLUS
That’s a good idea actually. I’ll do it as soon as I can workout howjparkdr
Thanks you very much mateJim Jackson
Brings back lots of great memories. Gold.