Long time on my table, missing motivation. Finished q little while ago, today i took proper pictures. Hope you enjoy.
Feedback always welcome.

    great work and i love the face !

    • PaSkull

      thx a lot.

  • kov1980

    Super gold!

    • PaSkull

      thx mate

  • girlpainter57


    • PaSkull

      thank you.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • PaSkull

      thank you a lot

  • Philippe

    Great job!

    • PaSkull

      Thx a lot

  • yjxbyby

    Good job!

    • PaSkull

      Thank you

  • Militarist_Studio


    • PaSkull

      Thanks a lot man


  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great painting !  Great NMP   Gold

    • PaSkull

      Thank you a lot


  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Absolutely great painting !  Could you please upload a picture of the shield please ?

    • PaSkull

      Thank you. Last pic shows most of the shield. Can send you pics or the reference if you like.



  • Ilya "IL" Branshteyn

    Great work! Gold!

    • PaSkull

      Thx a lot apprechiate

  • Kyle Maitland

    Very nice work overall.  Homer would be proud of your gleaming bronze attire.

    • PaSkull

      Thank you. Was a lot of work to polish it that way ;)

  • Sandro Zinzeri

    Nice work, I love the shades on the armour and the helmet.

    • PaSkull

      Thanks mate

  • WojciechBober72


  • jparkdr
