This beautiful miniature is from our local manufacturer - Blood Carrot Knights. <br />
It was really inspiring to paint 54 scale miniature and to step from hundreds of wargaming miniatures paintjobs I've done during two years.<br />
I hope you'll like this grim but still adorable necromancer.
Ricardo Pisa
Wow, really cool osl!Natalya "Me and scary guys" Kuznetsova
Thank you!WojciechBober72
Nice-goldNatalya "Me and scary guys" Kuznetsova
Thank you so much!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gold!Natalya "Me and scary guys" Kuznetsova
Большое спасибо!Militarist_Studio
Great! Gold!Natalya "Me and scary guys" Kuznetsova
Thank you!Peter (Chilwd)
nice colorplay!Natalya "Me and scary guys" Kuznetsova
Thank you Peter!