George Washington's army and its militia had to be supplied. One type of meat supply was provided by allied Indians or by rangers.
The following diorama shows a ranger with his Indian companion on the prowl in the forests of North America.
Eamon Connerty
Great scene! Gold!Ricardo Pisa
Really nice scene!!! Gold!Dirk R.
Thanks a lot !Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Lovely diorama! Nice water effects too!Bran
Truly magnificent !!Dirk R.
Many thanks for your kind words.WojciechBober72
Gold!!!Nik Ableev
Just wow!SuperDirk R.
Thank you, also for your rating! I am glad.Peter"Peterpaint"Trenner
Sehr schönes Dio!!Dirk R.
Danke dir, Peter !Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD !!!Dirk R.
Andrii, thank you for your voting !pit rehmkePLUS
Sehr interessantes Diorama. Super die Darstellung des Wassers insbesondere die Bewegung. Die Szene gefällt mir,sie ist sehr authentisch. Gold!!Dirk R.
Pit, vielen Dank für dein Kommentar und deine Wertung !jparkdr
goldDirk R.
Thanks a lot !