Enjoyed painting this project a lot. I'm starting to feel comfortable with this high and vibrant tones and this one has been an amazing challange.
The gorgeous pyramidal plinth is from my friends at CrazyWenky ans the base is scratchbuilt by me.
Check more videos and Wip shots on my Instagram.
Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
gold. also, dropped some gold to your unrated projects. Cheers!Jero Miniatures
Thanks a whole lot Ivan! I really admire your work a whole lot! Much appreciated!Erin McClellan (Cobramode)
Beautiful! Love these bright colors and the expression in the eyes, and of course that NMM is top notch!!Jero Miniatures
Thank you Erin! I felt in love the second I saw it. Glad to collab with you.Francisco López Payá
Pedazo mini te has marcado compañero!!!Jero Miniatures
Gracias tío! Es una chuche!!Ricardo Pisa
Great painting on a really cool miniature! Love you style man! Gold!WojciechBober72