this time I wanted to create a little scene where my Viking is at ease with the world. Perhaps he has decided to settle and farm, perhaps he has not gone on a raid or just returned from one. I wanted to show this fierce warrior in calmer, less violent times and used the warm colours of his landscape to help tell this story.
I quite like using a limited paleete nowadays, particularly for the barbarian times. I hope you like him and again im sorry my photography is not great, it is something ive never got close to mastering.
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Beautiful mate!Anna Lepskaja
Gold !John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
IDE say by the look of things he def just got done with some harder times-gorgeous weathering effects on the close. Not over done and subtle enough tone believably settles in his clothes as a stain should. Beauty fully done on the shield motif and the wood grain. Base is done nicely as well . Just a beautifully painted piece.Rod CurtisPLUS
Great painting Jay! Oh the groundwork is ok too.Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Cool work and great base!Michał "Mihausz" Szymeczko
Gold!Alex ✍
Good job ❤️WojciechBober72
Beautiful work, great details, great realism of characters - Gold!Denniz Hedin SaloPLUS
I love it, you really capture the feeling of peace even thou it is a warrior. Great job!Randall_Flagg
Nice Project! Looks Great! The Figurine and Decoration... Definitely Gold. Cheers!Bran
Beautiful scene, I love vikings !!Francois "Frado" Daugny
Nice painting, nice set up and nice atmosphere! Gold!!Kilsh
Great figure Jay and nicely set off by the base. Gold. NeilPhilippe
I like it! Gold!