Primarily if not all with scale75 artists.
At the end of the workshop it was great as it was more concept based as opposed to a typical technique and all mimics at the end, all 19 students had very different colours and looking figures, it was a rainbow sight to see!
the colours are captivating love the face and weaponTobias_Hancock
Thank you, lots of undertones playing with the consistency and transparency of layers :)Denis Izotov
Your work with colors here looks very interesting and vibrantTobias_Hancock
Thank you, the scale artist range is very nice for this I foundWojciechBober72
Thank you for taking the time to look :)Matteo
I love the colors, very impressionist!Tobias_Hancock
Thanks Matteo! That's really awesome!byebye
Soooo atmospheric! GoldTobias_Hancock
Thank you! I too enjoy the feeling in the piece :)Miriam Kleijn
Wow, such an atmospheric piece and I love those colors!