Babayagha - The Black Mother
Painting this bust was a real joy. One of my favorites busts of all time,Karol Rudyk's production. I hope you like it at least as much as I do.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
  • Mariano del Olmo

    Nice painting Luceq!

    • Luceq

      Thx Mariano

  • Peter (Chilwd)

    nice piece Luceq!

    • Luceq

      Thank You

  • pstockley

    Very nice!

    • Luceq

      Thanks you it means alot for me

  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Good work! Gold

    • Luceq

      I’m glad u like it :) thx

  • Mike Snyder

    I love the flowers and all the texture. You’ve got some wonderful details, great job!

    • Luceq

      Many thanks !

  • Daniel Gütl

    Your stuff is underrated. Excellent painting! Try a dark backround for the photos it will emphasise on your paintjob!

    • Luceq

      Thanks, that’s very flattering

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    So here’s a comment-you have painted this wonderful bust to the point of its flawless .every where I look is wholly investable and awesome . You have find an astounding job -I wish to see more from you. You do great work bud.

    • Luceq

      Thank You very much !

  • Lukas chopachopa Bende

    you rly play whit that bust a lot well done good choice of colors gold for me

    • Luceq

      Thanks Lukas

  • Sagumo

    Wow! Gold.

    • Luceq

      Thx You!

  • Mateusz Banaszkiewicz

    Very nice work, congrats! You paid a lot of attension to the details, this bust is a hard one to paint, gold from me!

    • Luceq

      Dzięki, widziałem Twoją wersję babyjagi przed tym jak zacząłem malować swoją, uważam że jest świetna. Szczególnie podoba mi się odbicie w lusterku (świetny pomysł i wykonanie)

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


  • Alex Silvestri

    A masterpiece !

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Gold! Great job!

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    GOLD !!!

  • Bran

    I discovered just now, it’s splendid, well done !!

  • Mark A. Brooks

    What a cool sculpt and even better paint job! Very smooth and saturated. Love it!

  • WojciechBober72


  • carlo segretario
