Another addition to my classic warhammer fantasy dwarf army-This time is a bunch of sturdy dwarf rangers. I try to represent all my dwarf units in the "theme" of a dwarf fortress being reconquered by these fellows. I always envisioned them patrolling outside the dwarf fortress ensuring no surprises are coming. You will be able to see some orc skulls here and there to give a hint of this background. As well I thought that it would be super cool including some crows as their pets, this will be in charge of sending messages to the main throng in case needed. Hope you like them!!
Denis Izotov
Photos could be better, but this unit looks fantasticgimnir
Thanks Denis, I think you are right . I just realise that p&p allow Bolger file sizes than cmonJonatan Gil - Elinhir
Fantastic scenic !!!gimnir
Thanks Jonatan , I appreciate your kindness:)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"