This kind of series is not something that you could see easyly here. They are well exectuded, beautifull and also they are well conectes, giving the feel of a single work ir story. Editor's from my side.
I love so much what you did.... Congrats. Gold² for me, but your project should not be voted, it is out of categorie. Thanks a lot for sharing this, this is so inspiring !
Florian 'Butch'
This was my favorite piece at SMC! I'm so happy to see it again!Fet Milner
I remember that too. Fantastic work!StephanPLUS
something different, but perfect.Fet Milner
Cheers!Denis Izotov
Super cool and original project. Bravo!Fet Milner
Many thanks!girlpainter57
That to me encapsulates the world of modeling ,doing some you like , goldFet Milner
Cheers!Ivan Hortal A.PLUS
fantastic.Fet Milner
Thanks!eric wolfsPLUS
all these ducks are wonderfull. That's really great and original. Congrates ! GoldFet Milner
Thanks - I'm glad you like them!Michael Volquarts
great.....Fet Milner
Cheers!Martin Collier
Amazing goldFet Milner
I'm amazed you can still stand to look at them!Patricia Sancho
This kind of series is not something that you could see easyly here. They are well exectuded, beautifull and also they are well conectes, giving the feel of a single work ir story. Editor's from my side.Patricia Sancho
Could NOT easily*Fet Milner
Wow - thank you very much for the kind words!Kyle Maitland
The birder in me loves this. Nice work.Fet Milner
Cheers!Alexey Aguryanov
Amazing ducks!Fet Milner
Thanks!Roman LappatPLUS
Amazing project and so so beautiful topic and greatly executed! I am in love and awe!Roman LappatPLUS
Editor's choice from my side too, same reasons like PatriciaFet Milner
Many thanks, Roman - it's a genuine honour!Vladimir_Golubev
Wow! Brilliant! Gold!Fet Milner
Amazing!!Fet Milner
Cheers!Sergey Popovichenko
Great!!!!Fet Milner
Thanks!Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Lovely work all over! Seen it myself at SMC and in my opinion it was a real eyecatcher. Love the originality of the work, gold :)Fet Milner
I'm glad you liked them in the flesh!Alex ✍
Such a great idea ❤️ I love it aswell!Fet Milner
This is lovely!ArtNiak
I love so much what you did.... Congrats. Gold² for me, but your project should not be voted, it is out of categorie. Thanks a lot for sharing this, this is so inspiring !pstockley
Beautiful and unique project.Andy Gillaspy
Absolutely quacking work mate!Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Magnificent. Feels Victorian in a really good way.Jakob VPLUS
This is just an incredible achievement. Was telling my kids about this yesterday actually. Amazing.Steve "Babelfish" Riley
Wonderful project beautifully realised. Gold all the way.Fet Milner
Thank you again!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"