this is the way for this character, imagine walking and fly in that stinky slime!!!! no way out...
Nurgle gave me the opportunity to play with different color and textures, and I love to do that.
I hope you like it, as I like to realize it.
more photos on my pro page on fb @rustoart and ig @rusto_art
comments and votes are always welcome! bzzzzz...
Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo
girogirogironurgle!RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Thank you very much! Girogironurgle is always the best!!!WojciechBober72
Excellent atmosphere of the character thanks to the colors, nice detail like a gold demo. RegardsRUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Thank you very much!eric wolfsPLUS
Original subject ! and fantastic colours !!RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Thanks a lot!Alex ✍
Good job ❤️RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
Thank you!!!John Regan
Beautifully disgusting. Love it.