This is just so beautiful. The dress is a really subtle secondary thing to see. The green shadow is executed so nicely without making her look sick. The earnings and the happiness on her face. Flawless.
Loving the crap out of this, an exemplar for this bust (and that's a pretty high bar as the output on it has been fantastic). Particularly love the top.
Great paintjob! The clothes are wonderful!eric wolfsPLUS
a lot of grace emerge sfrom this beautifully painted bust. I like a lot ! GoldIvan Hortal A.PLUS
another masterpieceJesús Gómez
Beautiful job!!! GoldDavid_Cardona_DCC
Great paintjob¡¡¡¡. Gold.Poliakov_Andrii
GoldAlex ✍
Great job ❤️DavidColwellPLUS
This is just so beautiful. The dress is a really subtle secondary thing to see. The green shadow is executed so nicely without making her look sick. The earnings and the happiness on her face. Flawless.EntrevonPLUS
Magnifique, quelle maitrise !Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Nice work mate!Kyle Maitland
Loving the crap out of this, an exemplar for this bust (and that's a pretty high bar as the output on it has been fantastic). Particularly love the top.kouhung Chung
Stunning!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
It's wonderful mate!Jakob VPLUS
Holy crap this is good