Loving the blue sky goggles. Great textures as well, particular the chair.
Fun paint overall.
Oh and metallics are always the answer, although I fully understand how it is hard to choose them (A not in vogue and B present interesting but different problems).
Thank you Kyle. I'm super happy you like this one. For me, it was cool to paint those textures and the sky reflection on the googles was a nice experiment.
RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
gold! I really like your paintKrzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you very much, mate. Also always a pleasure to see your works.Kyle Maitland
Loving the blue sky goggles. Great textures as well, particular the chair. Fun paint overall. Oh and metallics are always the answer, although I fully understand how it is hard to choose them (A not in vogue and B present interesting but different problems).Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you Kyle. I'm super happy you like this one. For me, it was cool to paint those textures and the sky reflection on the googles was a nice experiment.Mariano del Olmo
Great work!!Archigrog
Really a great paintjob! Gold for me! ... id like to see more detailed picture :-)David_Cardona_DCC
Gold¡¡¡ The face is amazing.Alex ✍
Great work ♥Capoch
Very nice painting!Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Wonderful work mate!Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk
Thank you, my friend.Sergey Popovichenko
Superb painting !!Poliakov_Andrii
GOLD !!!