Mountain Man. Alliance Miniatures. 75 mm. Resin.
  • Andrey Miroshnichenko

    Отличная работа!

    • Loskutov_Vadim

      Спасибо, Андрей!

  • luigigraffi

    Great job!!! Gold!!!

  • Bran

    Beautiful vignette, I like the subject !!

  • Maiorov Stepan

    Отличная работа! Золото

  • Michele Delbene

    Gran lavoro ottimo

  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    Superb painting and lovely water effects. Gold again.

  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Hello Vadim,
    strong work, very nicely worked out the fabric structure! I like it.

    • Loskutov_Vadim

      Thank you, Pit! There are a lot of different textures, it was very interesting to work there!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    gold :)