Bravo Vladimir for this painting. I really like the treatment of shadows as well on the armor as on the character and his clothes ... it is something that I do not know how to do well, I learn by looking carefully at your work .... Thank you....;)
I am pleased that you enjoy my work. If it helps you in further creativity it will be great.
I saw your barbarian on a tiger, I think that you have chosen a good direction and you are doing everything right. I wish you success
Eduardo Garcia Lope
Very good work, really nice.Vladimir_Golubev
Thank you!Irina Korsakova
Great work!Vladimir_Golubev
Спасибо!Marc MussatPLUS
great ! gold !Vladimir_Golubev
Thank you, Marc!Michael Volquarts
Thanks a lot!Simon Gosseries Doppagne
Superb !Simon Gosseries Doppagne
Gold !Vladimir_Golubev
Many thanks!Philippe
Great work!Vladimir_Golubev
Thanks!Alex Silvestri
gold !Vladimir_Golubev
Thank you!Francesco ThauPLUS
Many thanks!Bran
Bravo Vladimir for this painting. I really like the treatment of shadows as well on the armor as on the character and his clothes ... it is something that I do not know how to do well, I learn by looking carefully at your work .... Thank you....;)Vladimir_Golubev
I am pleased that you enjoy my work. If it helps you in further creativity it will be great. I saw your barbarian on a tiger, I think that you have chosen a good direction and you are doing everything right. I wish you successAndrey Miroshnichenko
Шикарная роспись! Золото!Vladimir_Golubev
Спасибо!Eugene Dravskikh
Отличная роспись! Очень интересные мягкие контрасты. Шикарность одним словом.Vladimir_Golubev
"Прошел" , Володя, по твоим работам, самым крутым золото проставил.Vladimir_Golubev
Миша, спасибо!Sergey Popovichenko
Шикарно!!! Очень крутая работа!!Vladimir_Golubev
Благодарю!!! Я старался)))Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)
Marvellous work!!! So many interestingly painted parts on this model, to my taste, especially the red is superb! A well deserved gold!Alex ✍
Great job ❤️Vladimir_Golubev
Thank you!