Here its my last work. Wise woman from spira mirabilis. I painted her for the Monte San Savino Show 2019 as a member of a quartet made by Magnus Fagerberd, Conrad Mynett, Ben Curry and me. Amazing project with amazing people. Thanks for all guys.

It was a challenge for me to paint her because the sculpture its brilliant and I needed a change in my style to paint her as I thought. But im very happy and proud with the result. Some people told me that seems not mine and this give strentgh to do more stuff in this way. Hope you like it!

I have to say a big thanks to this owner. You rock!!!!

All painted with Kimera Kolors.

Comission work.
  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Me gusta mucho, te has salido de tus colores habituales y el resultado es buenísimo.
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      Muchas gracias ferramis!! si que es verdad que esta me empujo a salirme de mi zona de comfort, salirme mucho ademas, pero fue muy gratificante el resultado final. me alegra que te guste!!
  • Conrad Mynett

    It was a lovely piece, and the pictures really let you see the details. It may be more subdued than your previous works, but it still has many touches of colour, beautiful work.
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      thanks mate!! was a very beatufiul experience this project and Im very proud with this result. thanks!!
  • Ioannis Papadakis

    Gold work!
  • DavidSrba

    beautiful texture. Gold
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    really like the tones used !
  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Just fantastic my friend!
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      thank you my friend, was very beautiful to see the different versions together, pure love.
  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Excelente, para mí un oro muy grande.
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    She is very beautiful! Editor's choice from my end!
  • Alex ✍

    Great work ❤️
  • Jorge Budagosky

    En mi humilde opinión, una de tus mejores piezas. Oro pa'tí
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      totalmente de acuerdo jorge!! para mi tambien es una de mis mejores piezas!
  • Josh "Zozimus" Pattison

    Love the muted take on this fantastic bust. It's one of those models I love but am not yet ready to try myself
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      Thanks! glad you like it!! and try to paint it! its easier than seems ;)
  • Jonatan Gil - Elinhir

    me encanta !!! Si señor...Todo me gusta...lo que mas las vestiduras.
    • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

      muchas gracias artista!! me alegra que te guste!