Hercules (Herakles) and Cerberus vignette by Alexandros…thought I would have a stab at this and set it in a ruin temple type scene (as the kit comes with a flagstone base) to fit the angled wooden base. Figure is just a little over 80mm, by the time you add all his accoutrements. The greek column is a piece I picked up at a local show, which I kept for a classical model.

It's a nice model, not sure if I have done it justice though…I want ed to make Cerberus more 'wolf-like'
  • Philippe

    Good work!

  • Bran

    I like this vignette by Alexandros… Hercules is very good, Cerberus maybe a little too uniformly gray .... But is a good work Clive ;)

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Bran! Yes it’s a nice piece by Alexandros, I was trying for a more wolf-like look for Cerberus and had a quite decent pic that looked like a three headed wolf! (three wolves together). Might try for a darker and little more roughed up fur the next time I try a wolf or wolf skin, I know what you mean.

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Clive, this one is very good !. Gold.

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Theodoros! Appreciate it!

  • AlexanderBorodenkov

    Nice work!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    nice work Clive ! gold !

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Marc! Appreciate it!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Nice job. Like Hercules’s painting. Gold

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Eric! It’s a very nice model by Alexandros!

  • Ioannis PapadakisPLUS

    Good work Clive!
    Ι also like the work on ¨Mongol Warrior C.1220AD¨

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Ioannis! Appreciate it! Both nice models to do!

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Francesco! It’s a very nice one to do from Alexandros!

  • dohyeong kim


  • Thorbjorn Barone

    Great job on this one!

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Nice job Clive! Best, Mariano

    • Clive Jackson

      Cheers Mariano! Appreciate it!

  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    Nice one Clive. I like the basing and presentation.

    • Clive Jackson

      Thanks Steve…a nice piece from Alexandros this one, was fun to do!

  • Atila KawautiPLUS


  • Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli

    Woooow great composition!!!

  • WojciechBober72

    Nice job-gold

  • Militarist_Studio


    • Clive Jackson

      Thank you! Appreciate it!

  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    Very good~! Gold~!

  • Evgeny Golubev

    Good work! Gold.