Hello everyone.
I completed my painting work after a long time.I enjoyed painting, but NMM was sometimes tough.
I wanted a little bit of uniqueness, so I did conversion.
The paint used was acrylic and Tamiya enamel.

Thank you for watching,Hail Gods of war!
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Low contrast for may taste, but excellent result, superb in detail. Gold!
    • Myouchin

      Thank you for your helpful opinions! Finding the optimal contrast is always difficult for me. I will improve in the next work.
  • Bran

    Very good return to painting, your achievements are always remarkable and deserve the maximum note .....
    • Myouchin

      Thank you Bran! I did not able to have a possible time concentrating on painting for a year, painting after a long time was fun.
  • Alex ✍

    Great job! Increase your contrasts and you will be a fantastic painter ❤️
    • Myouchin

      Thank you for the advice! I welcome your opinions. I imagined the weak sunlight of the northern country in this work, but it might have been better to increase the contrast more.
  • pstockley

    Very nice! Perhaps a bit more contrast on the helmet would help.
    • Myouchin

      Hello pstockley,thank you for the advice!
  • Sergey Popovichenko

    Live work Gold!
    • Myouchin

      Thank you again Sergey!
  • Marc MussatPLUS

    Nice bust ! Gold for me ! ;)
    • Myouchin

      Thank you Marc!
  • Vladimir_Golubev

    • Myouchin

      Thank you Vladimir!
  • Ioannis Papadakis

    Gold works !!!
    • Myouchin

      Thank you Ioannis!
  • NateZhang

    great job ,gold!
    • Myouchin

      Thank you NateZhang!
  • Mariano del Olmo

    Yet another beautiful and great painting Myouchin! Love the face, metals, shield and leather. Best,
    • Myouchin

      Thank you Mariano!!
  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Eine sehr schöne Arbeit ! Das Schild extra Klasse !!! Leider kommt diese Arbeit nicht an Mel Gibson heran .... Gratulation und Gold von mir
    • Myouchin

      Thank you, your opinion is correct.