Once again learned heaps painting this, and quite enjoyed it as well. Very outside my wheelhouse and surprisingly the first time I've painted a darker skin tone (oh what an epiphany this has been for me!).
I put my 100% into this model and tried to make sure there weren't any mistakes, but even so there are areas that I don't think are perfect and could have used more work (rear upper back spikes, underside of axe head, axe handle) but in the end we just have to call something finished or else we could just go on forever.
I really hope you like it :)
Eduardo Garcia Lope
Superb! a good reference for super clean painting, excellent finishes.yjxbyby
There's more than enough perfection here to make up for the 'imperfect' parts like the texture and tonal variation on the scalp, the clean reflections in the gold of the greaves and much more besides... Really beautiful work.Alex ✍
Incredible job ❤️ Looks far larger in scale than it actually is!Perfect Tommy
The whole thing is lovely. However, the gold is especially lovely. Which is why you get a gold!j. curwen
absolutely stunning! (two questions, if i may- did you do anything with the demonette and did you make the base yourself?)